The musical journeys of our adult students - Part I

Abbie’s Musical Journey

This is the first in a series of blogs centered around our adult students who offered to share insights about their musical journeys. We posed a handful of questions to get the conversation started and what we got back was a truly humbling outpouring of truth, love and wisdom.

Here are some of the questions we asked…

How long have you been playing? What are some of your favorite songs, works and artists? Any other musical studies? Did you like playing music as a kid, did you take lessons, did that change in adulthood? Was it hard to start with lessons as an adult, -obstacles, challenges? What motivated you and is it what you expected? What keeps you going? What's your favorite thing to play? What would you tell someone who wants to play and take lessons but has hesitations? Any other thoughts?


Abbie Hattauer,
classical guitar

• I moved to Atlanta, Georgia in 2010 from Long Island, New York and began studying classical guitar with a private teacher here in 2011 (when I was 61 years old!). In August 2019 I began studying with Joshua at Music By Tritone.

• One of my favorite composers to play is Fernando Carulli because I found his solo and guitar duet music accessible and enjoyable to play.

• I began studying piano when I was 25 years old and I continued lessons for 15 years. I still love to play the piano every day.

• I wanted to learn to play the piano when I was ten years old but the first (and only) teacher my parents sought said that I should begin by first learning to play the accordion. When I couldn't figure out the coordination during that first "trial" lesson, the "teacher" told my parents I had no musical aptitude and they never pursued any other options. I loved singing from my first chorus class in 4th grade and I studied voice with a private New York City teacher in my early 30s. I eventually performed more than a dozen major mezzo soprano opera and operetta roles for twenty years. Before COVID-19, I was studying the ukulele with a private teacher. I hope to return to those lessons in the (near?) future.   

• I always enjoy taking lessons but it amazes me how long it takes to learn to play any instrument and how much concentration and effort is required. My love of music is a great solace to me (especially now) and I am so grateful to have it in my life. 

• My favorite thing about playing classical guitar is having the opportunity to play with the Music by Tritone Adult Ensemble since October 2019. It has been an amazing and wonderful journey that has enriched my life in so many ways — through the other musicians I have met, the music we have learned together and the skills we have all gained along the way.  

• To anyone considering starting this musical journey I would say, "Just do it!"  It will take diligence and determination but the rewards can be life changing! 

Thanks to Abbie and all of our adult students (individuals and group ensembles). You are, without doubt, our inspiration — and you teach us about music and life every time we all meet. We are humbled and grateful!