A famous quote as appropriate today as it was 2500 years ago

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We’ve always loved this quote and hope it motivates and inspires you today. We are so thankful to have music! Thought to have been written almost 2500 years ago by Plato or another Greek philosopher, scholars have apparently had some disagreement and difficulty definitely sourcing the exact work from which it comes. Nonetheless, it is a nugget of ancient wisdom as appropriate today as it was then. Facing the realities of the world in which we live today, we often find ourselves consumed by all that is broken and in need of repair in our society and even perhaps in our own personal lives. In recent weeks, I have needed respite from the news feed so abundant and readily accessible, turning to music allows me to recenter and focus on “…all that is good and just and beautiful.” We effect change in the world around us with our thoughts and our actions but for me and so many others, music helps us keep our way. It really does give “…life to everything.”